Hey Friends 👋,
I’m Alex. I thought it would be appropriate to introduce myself here, since I can’t talk about the origin of Uphor without talking about me for a bit. Uphor, or rather the universe around the city, is a product of my escapist tendencies. I started the first story recognizably set within this universe at seven years old. Back then it was much less flesh than bone, but I came back to it again and again, until, over the years, it grew into a pretty large concept.
Eventually, I made this project my mission and dedicated my life to it. There is nothing as important or as enjoyable for me as Uphor. The project has evolved from pure escapist fiction into a platform that strives to offer creatives a respite from the modern-day traps of a capitalist world - a healthy escapism for readers - providing the tools for you to build yourself up and work through emotions using a fictional lens.
In the short term, the vision for this project is to grow into a self-sustaining non-profit organization that focuses on supporting creatives in their craft and growth. It’s intended as a statement: that it’s possible to build something outside of capitalism, even within a capitalist world. Longer term, we’d like to go further and eventually provide housing, build a city, and show that capitalism isn’t necessary. That’s still far in the future, but it’s where we hope this journey leads.